Après-midis piscine

“It is a fundamental part of our personal and collective histories. It can be a controversial place, often unwelcoming, challenging our fears. It’s a place to be with yourself, to plunge into your thoughts, both contemplative and introspective. It smells of chlorine, shampoo and wet swimming costumes. It’s also a meeting point with a square, grid-like architecture, where we’ve all created memories, and where film-makers like to anchor their stories. It’s an all-blue place, ideal for staying fit, where you can exercise every muscle in your body and practise your discipline. It’s a place of all ages, all genders and all body types. What sweet afternoons I’ve spent at the pool…”

Après-midis piscine is a project based on the concept of heterotopia forged by Michel Foucault in his lecture Des espaces autres at the Cercle d’études architecturales in 1967. This publication brings together my drawings, photos and texts, as well as testimonies and archive images about swimming pools.

84 colour pages on gloss and matte paper, Swiss style hand-binding. (school project)